Embracing Change: Inspiration in Tough Times
I have been seeking inspiration during this time of pandemic — and have found some from some amazing people that I want to share in a webinar on May 28th.
COVID-19 brings significant and lasting change to the world. And let’s face it: this is hard. The future is uncertain. Scary things are happening all around with the disease and the economy. But change is part of life — and I have found inspiration from these three individuals who will be on a Q & A panel I will moderate to share with you: John Couch, Jenny Snyder Urman and Brant Cooper. This is open to anyone looking for inspiration — come and join us, space is limited so register now.
You can find more information here: https://lnkd.in/gbpDxQq
Or register while there is still space available: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nJUwnWgLTgiJP0NKua9sZg
#innovation #covid19 #inspirations #inspirationalthoughts #hope #webinar